Creating an international community
一个真正的 四维体验 doesn't just happen in the classroom. 全球范围内, 我们的学生和教师创造知识,使深刻和持久的变化变得更好. 我们的 students study international economics in Prague, 在泰国从事可持续发展工作,利用春假在中美洲提供医疗援助.
在家里, 学生丰富了我们的校园, teachers 和 researchers from across the world, representing more than 80 countries. We are committed to providing our international students all the advising, 倡导和语言教育,他们需要在新环境中有宾至如归的感觉,并成为世俗和严格的大学经历的一部分.
教师 make crucial contributions to our global presence. 他们的研究证明了非暴力解决看似棘手的全球问题的非凡有效性. They consult with governments 和 corporations the world over, 打击人口贩运, 和 act as cultural emissaries between our country 和 others.
We also host events 和 项目 that bring the world to our campus. From Egyptian scholars to Latin American statesmen to Chinese media executives, 来自世界各地的思想家和实干家来到这里分享想法,并向我们的社区学习. These efforts, combined with the education, connections 和 项目 of the Josef Korbel School of International Studies, help us develop bonds globally 和 strengthen relationships among nations.
70% 大约70%的正规赌博十大平台排行本科生出国留学,其中许多是通过谢灵顿全球奖学金项目
80+ 正规赌博十大平台排行拥有来自全球80多个国家的学生和教师
As director of the Korbel School's Center for Middle East Studies, 纳德·哈什米教授与学生和教职员工共同努力,加深对中东和更广泛的伊斯兰世界的社会和政治结构的理解. His work aims to shrink the gap between the Middle East 和 the West at large.
飞往丹佛, hosted by DU's Project X-ITE in collaboration with a variety of academic, 公共, 私人和非营利组织, 是工程师的峰会吗, 致力于实现联合国可持续发展目标的科学家和创新者. 17个进球, 2015年前行, 是为了消除贫困而设计的吗, protect the planet 和 ensure prosperity for everyone. Teams addressing the different goals partnered with faculty, undergraduate 和 graduate students, 以及来自非营利组织的专家, 公营及私营机构.
Thanks to an innovative partnership, 学生有机会在瑞典留学两年,获得DU的学士学位和隆德大学的硕士学位. 最初提供给学生在生物科学和性别和妇女研究项目, 该计划要求参与者在杜肯大学学习前三年,然后在隆德大学学习两年, the highest-ranked university in Sweden 和 one of the top 100 in the world.
A DU tradition for more than 30 years, 文化Fest is an opportunity for students, 教职员工和邻居庆祝杜社区所代表的多种文化. With food 和 performances from around the 全球, 参与者们享受着乐趣和美食,而来自各种国际俱乐部和组织的代表们则分享着来自广泛文化的传统.