Get news 和 information on employee resources 和 好处 so you're best able to make the most of working at DU.
My4D is our secure portal for grades, 课程链接, 个人信息, 工资单, 好处, administrative processes, software downloads 和 more.
员工议会致力于为所有员工创造一个积极的工作环境. 促进合作, 合作, 和 community among all staff, the Senate advocates to get policies 和 procedures implemented that directly affect all staff members' morale, 利益, 工作条件, 和 professional 发展.
Office 365
任何拥有DU电子邮件地址的人都可以访问Office 365, 包括电子邮件, 视频会议, cloud stor年龄 through OneDrive. 用户还可以访问全套Microsoft Office产品, 包括文字, 演示文稿, Excel和OneNote.
25日活/Room Reservations
live是我们预订房间和申请房间的主要系统. 而我们的大部分房间都可以通过25日活预订, there are some exceptions, such as group study rooms. 如果您有任何问题,请咨询我们的预订指南.
校园地图 & 停车信息
Orient yourself around campus with our campus map, 并获取停车许可证和相关信息. We also provide our staff with information on how to use alternative methods of transportation to reach campus through our 交通中心.
这座桥 is a dedicated source of news 和 information specifically aimed at 教师 和 staff across campus. 请关注每周二和周四的电子邮件更新.
The 杜编辑部 is the centralized source of news for the University community — teachers, 学生, 教师 和 parents alike.
University of Denver 杂志
The University of Denver 杂志 provides news articles profiling notable DU-connected people 和 events both on campus 和 around the world.
DU新手? We know it can be overwhelming. 寻找资源来帮助你适应新家.
访问 our 人力资源 & 包容的社会 website for 新员工培训 & New Hire Orientation information.
I-9 Paperwork: On your first day, you'll need to have completed an employee verification 和 eligibility form in person. 进一步了解我们的 i - 9的过程.
员工手册: Review the 员工手册 如果你对雇佣惯例、薪酬或福利有任何疑问.
第九条 培训 (for new staff members). 电子邮件 Learning@zjruxin.com to be invited to the Canvas e-learning module.
校园地图:确保你知道你在校园的方向 map.
停车:如果你需要停车证,你会得到一张 parking 和 mobility services.
先锋队身份证:你将被要求获得先锋队身份证, which will serve as your campus identification. It will grant access to buildings closed to the public 和 allow you to take advant年龄 of discounted tickets for DU cultural 和 sporting events. 点击这里了解更多.
其他问题,请咨询我们的人力资源和包容性社区 新员工培训 & New Hire Orientation P年龄.
Take advant年龄 of all the services 和 opportunities you're offered as a valued part of the DU community.
人力资源 & 包容的社会
访问我们的主页 人力资源 & 包容的社会 site for information on 好处, professional 发展, 和 employee support 和 resources.
University Financial Services
University Financial Services provides a variety of administrative functions for DU (including payroll, 采购, 支付, 学费账单, expense reporting 和 reimbursement). UFS还管理和支持先锋时间和先锋旅行 & 费用系统.
Our Office of 校园安全 is devoted to keeping 教师, 教职员及学生 alike secure.
如果你想正规赌博十大平台排行校园社区的特定成员, our employee directory will allow you to connect with individuals 和 groups across campus.
培训 & Professional 发展
We offer a variety of opportunities for training 和 for professional 和 career 发展.
正规赌博十大平台排行的所有员工都有资格获得员工援助计划, 哪个项目每年提供最多6次免费咨询. 额外的咨询服务可以通过我们的健康中心获得 & 咨询中心, as well as through our 创伤 & 灾难恢复诊所或我们的专业心理诊所.
正规赌博十大平台排行的员工对大学至关重要. DU wants to ensure that employees are given a safe 和 inclusive environment to work. The 人力资源业务伙伴 provide employee relations guidance 和 assistance to help address employee concerns.
If ever you feel you've been directly 和 adversely affected in a professional capacity, or have ongoing conflict with a peer or man年龄r, 我们提供申诉流程来帮助解决这个问题. Whether the issue stems from problems between staff members or a University policy you find discriminatory or otherwise harmful, you can make your voice heard.
Office of Equal Opportunity & 第九条
The Office of Equal Opportunity & 第九条 works to ensure compliance with the University's anti-discrimination policies 和 promotes full compliance with all federal, state 和 local discrimination laws. The Office of Equal Opportunity & 第九条 can assist you with: consultation concerning issues of possible discrimination, 骚扰或报复以及对歧视投诉的调查, harassment 和 retaliation, including sexual misconduct matters.
正规赌博十大平台排行图书馆提供4种以上的图书.300万册,其中一半可以在网上找到. 作为DU的工作人员, you're invited to utilize the valuable resources 和 services our libraries have to offer.
- 大学文化及体育活动优惠门票
- Discounted membership to the Coors Fitness Center
- 用您的DU区卡在整个城市享受食物,住宿和服务的折扣
- 工作人员 meal plan through Sodexo
- Discounted prices at the DU Bookstore
- 纽曼中心呈现系列在纽曼中心的折扣门票
- 里奇中心通行证营的折扣价
- Free subscriptions to the 纽约时报 和 《正规赌博十大平台排行》
We're seeing sweeping changes in higher 教育 that have an enormous impact on our 学生, our community 和 our world. We’re innovating around our strengths in teaching, 学习和发现, 加快研究解决社会最棘手问题的方式.
我们称之为愿景 Du冲击2025. 这是对数千名学生进行采访的结果, 教师, 朋友, 社区合作伙伴, families 和 critical supporters. We spent 18 months listening, learning, collaborating 和 crafting this strategic plan.
Turning our ideas into reality, our 10 working groups collaborate across campus 和 our community to bring IMPACT 2025 to life.
形式 & 政策
Use our 员工手册 to access information on employment practices, pay practices 和 好处.
If you witness an incident in which individuals or groups are targeted based on group identities related to race, 种族, 性别, 性取向, socioeconomic background, 年龄, 残疾, national origin or religion, 请向您的偏见事件响应小组报告, 一个内部工作小组,负责协调校园对偏见事件的反应.
- 荣誉准则 & 违反荣誉守则
Employees with disabilities may request reasonable accommodations to enjoy full access to equal employment opportunity at the University of Denver, 根据美国残疾人法案(ADA)的要求. 根据法律, 年龄ncies must provide reasonable accommodations to qualified employees or applicants with disabilities, unless doing so would cause undue hardship.
If you are aware of activities that may not be in compliance with the University’s policies, 或者你怀疑可能是欺诈或非法或不道德的行为, the Office of Internal Audit provides a way to report potential problems or raise questions. Every report is logged, reviewed 和 resolved appropriately, 和 you can choose to remain anonymous.
如果你计划代表学校出国旅行, Enterprise Risk Man年龄ment offers information 和 resources to help you prepare for 和 man年龄 potential travel risks. 所有的旅客都需要在DU护照上注册, primarily for your safety, as the University can assist in emergency situations abroad 和 coordinate evacuation 和 repatriation 好处, 如果需要.
Women's 工作人员 Alliance for Networking & 开发(棒)
WAND is committed to helping staff women at the University of Denver achieve their highest potential as employees by means of advocacy, 教育, 发展, networking 和 leadership. WAND provides a safe forum for discussing concerns 和 ideas while supporting the University's mission.
工作人员 of Color Association (SOCA)
SOCA致力于在校园和社区内推进包容性卓越, creating a supportive community for promoting personal 和 professional growth through shared experiences, resources 和 strategies for staff of color.